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OSHA Requirements for Flame-Resistant Clothing

Part of the U.S. Department of Labor, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issues regulations for employers, to protect workers. OSHA requirements for flame-resistant clothing protect workers who need such clothes to work safely.
General Requirements
OSHA requires personal protective clothing for workers who weld, cut or braze. Since these types of work often put workers at risk for catching clothes on fire, workers' personal protective clothing should often include flame-resistant clothing. Other general OSHA requirements require protective clothing and gear whenever employees work in any hazardous environments, which can include flame-resistant clothing for a variety of jobs that work near flammable materials. For example, workers who work near flammable chemical storage areas, in petrochemical plants, as part of fire brigades and in electrical distribution should wear flame-resistant clothing.
Gas and Oil Drilling
OSHA explains that flash fires tend to occur during gas and oil drilling operations. To reduce the risk of burns and death during flash fires, OSHA states that employees should wear flame-resistant clothing when drilling reaches active gas or hydrocarbon areas and when the area has a history of fluid or gas kicks from underground.
Flash Fire Hazards
OSHA requires flame-resistant clothing for employees working in areas that could have flash fires. Work environments at risk for flash fires include areas that store highly flammable materials in liquid, solid or gas form. Employers who know about a flash fire risk and do not have their employees wear fire-resistant clothing may get a citation from the OSHA for violating safety requirements.
Lisa Chinn developed her research skills while working at a research university library. She writes for numerous publications, specializing in gardening, home care, wellness, copywriting, style and travel. Chinn also designs marketing materials, holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology and is working toward a PhD in cognitive neuroscience.