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Tennessee Journeyman Electrician License Requirements

Journeyman electricians are in demand in all industries, including construction, manufacturing and service industries. Electricians need experience, on-the-job training and classroom education to acquire a license in the state of Tennessee. There are different levels of electrical licensing in Tennessee, but the requirements are the same when it comes to receiving a journeyman's electrical license from the state.
Educational Requirements
Every state requires people to go through training and be educated for a certain amount of time before they are eligible to take the licensing exam. This training is done through a technical college or apprenticeship program. The apprenticeship programs are the most common resources utilized by individuals wanting to attain their electrical license. This program is done through the local union or electrical company, and has on-the-job training as well as classroom training. You must reach a certain amount of work and classroom hours to be considered a journeyman electrician.
Exam Requirements
Tennessee has two different levels of electrical license exams. One is the Contractor (CE), and this is for jobs that will cost more than $25,000. The other one is the Limited Licensed Electrician (LLE), and this is for the electrician working in municipalities where local licenses are not required. The LLE is not accepted by each local government, and the electricians who receive this license must also receive a license from the county where the work is to be performed. The CE is not required to take the county exam, but the LLE is required to take the local exam. The exam covers all areas of electrical installation, some mathematics and construction sections.
A felony conviction does not automatically prevent a person from receiving an electrician's license in Tennessee, but it does make it more difficult. People wanting to get their electrical license must first file a form with the licensing board. The board will then review the criminal background of the individual seeking an electrical license and determine if that person will receive one. The board will review the felony, sentence, the original charges and history of the individual to make its determination.
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Horacio Garcia has been writing since 1979, beginning his career as the spokesperson for Trinity Broadcast Network. Within 10 years Garcia was being called upon to write speeches and scripts for several state and federal congressmen, local broadcast networks and publications such as "Readers Digest." He received his bachelor's degree in public relations from Argosy University.
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