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Personal Organization Skills

Without personal organization skills, people tend to waste time, feel stress and frustration, and live in a perpetually frantic state as they rush to get things done on time. Personal organization skills are necessary to succeed in school and the workplace, and can help you become more efficient, more productive and happier. These skills include prioritizing, preparation, designating a work space and scheduling free time.
Preparation allows you to assess, ahead of time, the tasks that need to be completed, and as a result be able to work out the details on how to best complete each task, and in what order. Lack of preparation can cause you to complete tasks haphazardly, poorly or not at all, and the person can be seen as lazy or lacking motivation. To prepare for tasks, write them out on a calendar or planner and detail the steps of each tasks. Create a daily "to-do" list of tasks to keep on track, and avoid wasting time or procrastinating. For encouragement and motivation, you can create a list of goals and put them in a place where you will see them every day.
Designating a work space
Your work space should be a place where you go only to work. Designating a place as work-only will help establish a routine and encourage productivity in that space. The work space can be used for any important tasks, such as paperwork, writing or studying. If possible, make sure the work space is in a quiet place, away from distractions such as loud activity or games. If that's not possible, play white noise or ambient music in the work space to block out the noise of nearby activity.
Also, keep the work space free of clutter. Maintain a system of organizing files and important documents to avoid wasting time searching for them.
Time Prioritizing
Time spent prioritizing can increase productivity and help you get tasks done on time. Determine the tasks that need to be done each day, and complete them before enjoying free time or hanging out with friends. List the tasks in order of importance and start from the top, with the most important. Learn to stay at home, instead of going out, when you need to study or complete writing or paperwork. If a spare moment presents itself, use it to study, record goals or a to-do list, or complete a small task.
Scheduling Free Time
While personal organization skills are often used to complete tasks more efficiently and increase productivity, it's also important to have free time so you don't get stressed out or burned out. Being stressed can cause mental or physical health problems, and in the end can decrease productivity. After completing your tasks for the day, enjoy your leisure time--go to the beach, see a movie, or relax and listen to music. If need be, block out free time in your schedule, or designate one day in each week as a free day.
April Lee started writing professionally in 2009. She is the marketing writer for an independently owned cheese business. She attended the University of North Texas and majored in English.