Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations

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Annual Earnings Percentiles

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Job Trends for Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations

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This occupation supported 1,249,100 jobs in 2012 and 1,310,400 jobs in 2014, reflecting an increase of 4.9%. In 2012, this occupation was projected to increase by 10.1% in 2022 to 1,374,800 jobs. As of 2014, to keep pace with prediction, the expected number of jobs was 1,274,200, compared with an observed value of 1,310,400, 2.8% higher than expected. This indicates current employment trends are better than the 2012 trend within this occupation. In 2014, this occupation was projected to increase by 7.8% in 2024 to 1,408,000 jobs. Linear extrapolation of the 2012 projection for 2022 results in an expected number of 1,399,900 jobs for 2024, 0.6% lower than the 2014 projection for 2024. This indicates expectations for future employment trends are about on track with the 2012 trend within this occupation.