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Job Description & Qualifications for a TV Network Operations Manager

Television programming doesn't magically appear. It takes numerous people to ensure that viewers find entertaining programming when they turn on their favorite television channel. The network operation manager directs this staff of employees to ensure that the station's programming airs in the most efficient and professional manner.
Skills to Operate
The network operations manager must have technical knowledge about the equipment used to broadcast programming. You're responsible for the successful operation of your network, so you must understand how everything works together. Supervisory skills are necessary to manage a large number of staff members, and you must also be able to delegate the numerous tasks that go into network operations on a daily basis. This position also requires multitasking. You may be simultaneously running many aspects of operations, so you must be able to handle all of your responsibilities well, with the ability to change gears quickly when necessary. The operations manager should also have project management skills, as you constantly work to promote the success of your network and efficiency within its operations.
Daily Duties
On a daily basis, the network operations manager plans the broadcasting schedule for the television station. You communicate with several departments, coordinating news, programming and commercial advertisements. Supervision of your employees' work is another responsibility. You assign schedules based on broadcast demands and ensure that employees perform their duties in a satisfactory manner. The manager monitors station compliance with Federal Communications Commission guidelines and completes necessary administrative duties. You may also help with editing programming material and ensuring that programs air according to schedule.
Bring the Ideas
The network operations manager must be an innovator, developing new ideas for broadcasting programs and methods of operation. As a leader, you have to continuously improve upon the operations of your television network. You must be up to date on the latest industry trends and technical advances. The manager presents new ideas to staff and provides the necessary leadership to develop concepts into viable action plans. You should also be knowledgeable about technical advances and prepared to implement those improvements with your staff.
Getting the Job
Television operation managers generally have a college degree in some aspect of broadcasting or business administration. To secure work in this position, you should also have at least five years of experience with broadcast operations and significant experience with management of employees and administration of budgets. The median salary for a television network operations manager as of 2012 was $71,350 per year, according to the employment statistics website O-Net Online. Outlook for job growth for this position is average.
Erika Winston is a Washington, D.C.-based writer, with more than 15 years of writing experience. Her articles have appeared in such magazines as Imara, Corporate Colors E-zine and Enterprise Virginia. She holds a Juris Doctor degree from Regent University and a Masters in public policy from New England College.
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