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What Are the Duties of Medical Estheticians in a Plastic Surgeon's Office?

The position of medical esthetician is closely related to cosmetologist, in terms of care provided. Medical estheticians must hold a state license to practice skin care, and tend to focus on helping patients care for skin before and after procedures, treating skin disorders and working with cancer or burn patients. Medical estheticians in plastic surgery offices tend to focus on patient skin care and education.
Medical estheticians working in a plastic surgeon’s office perform certain services under the supervision of the doctor. These duties include medical peels, photo light facials and exfoliations, all of which require sterile preparation. Other duties include professional extractions and detailed skin analyses, the latter helping patients improve their skin by using products tailored to them. In many offices, estheticians are also responsible for applying post-procedure skin care products.
Medical estheticians in plastic surgery offices also focus on caring for patients before and after surgical procedures. Estheticians are instrumental in caring for post-surgical wounds and ensuring scar-free healing. Estheticians also focus on educating patients on proper long-term treatment to keep the area healthy. Often, this education involves demonstrations of product use and written materials.
Post-Surgery Services
Special post-procedure massages are another duty of estheticians, as these can reduce swelling and bruising during the healing process. Estheticians are also often responsible for demonstrating massage techniques and proper product usage to patients. In some cases, medical estheticians help treat patients with conditions that severely impact their self-esteem, requiring an extra level of sensitivity.
Education Considerations
Many medical estheticians work with high-end microdermabrasion machines and lasers, as well as techniques that are constantly being refined. As the medical field changes, estheticians are often required to complete continuing education courses to learn the newest techniques and equipment benefits. To remain competitive, estheticians frequently attend conferences and special training.
Alicia Prince began writing in 2006. She has worked for It's Mitz Productions, Native Range Productions and Skyline Pictures at Paramount Studios, as well as for GeoBeats. Prince holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in film production with a minor in writing from Columbia College Hollywood.
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