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Police Application Form Tips

Filing out a job application for a police department can be a stressful task. You will need to provide in-depth information about yourself, your recent work experience and your schooling. The application can be intimidating, but fortunately there are a few simple tips that can help lower your stress and ensure that you complete your application accurately.
Prepare Your Documents
If your police application calls for you to submit documents such as a copy of your college transcripts or driver's license, do not wait. Getting official copies of documents can take time, especially if you are requesting transcripts from an out-of-state college or if you need replacement documents. Ensure that you get your police application in before the deadline and include all of the required documentation.
Filling Out the Application
The most important thing to remember when filling out your application is to answer every question honestly. Do not try to cover up the truth, as it will most likely be discovered during your background investigation. If you are caught lying on one police department application, it could seriously hamper any future applications you submit to other law enforcement agencies. Also, make sure that you exactly follow the directions listed on the application. Failure to follow simple directions, such as the color of ink to use, can greatly hurt your chances of making it past the application stage.
Preparing References
References are an important part of your police application. Make sure that the contact information you provide for all of your references is up to date. Also, make sure that your references know that a member of the police department will be calling them and asking about you. An unprepared reference can hurt your chances at making it past the application stage.
Making Your Application Stand Out
There are a few simple ways to make your police application stand out. One easy way is to make sure that you have answered every question. If you do not know the answer to a question, use your best judgment, or put "N/A" for "not applicable." Also, list your recent school experience, even if you didn't finish. Filling out all of the questions and providing detailed information about your recent work experience and schooling shows attention to detail, an important trait for a police officer.
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Michael Hines is a freelance writer who started writing in 2010. He has written for covering everything from fashion to eco-friendly architecture. Hines is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice with a minor in English at San Diego State University.