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Teller Training Ideas

A teller is the first person who represents the bank each day. To many customers, the teller is the bank, so training and retaining excellent tellers is the heart of a successful financial institution. Training programs have to include customer service skills, basic job skills and regulation and compliance information and education.
Job Skills
Basic job skills are taught in a variety of ways. Methods that can be used include classroom training, on-the-job training and video instruction. New tellers learn skills such as how to count and handle cash and they practice these skills in the classroom or by working with an experienced teller. The most important aspect of any teller training program is repetition. Skills need to be practiced over and over again to master them. In the classroom, an introduction to debits and credits is covered, and the teller needs to continually practice this knowledge, along with balancing entries.
Customer Service Skills
Frequent review of customer service skills is imperative in any teller training program. On any given day, a teller will encounter a wide variety of personality types and should be able to deal with complaints or criticisms calmly and professionally. Customer service skills can be taught using role-playing exercises to help the teller be prepared for scenarios that may be encountered on the job. Weekly or monthly brainstorming sessions can help improve customer service skills.
Compliance and Regulations
Compliance and regulations are part of the knowledge that tellers have to master. Tellers require thorough knowledge about regulations such as Bank Secrecy Act, and must know the procedures required to follow these regulations. Banks may encourage tellers to take online courses, or the institution may offer training in a classroom setting so tellers are able to ask questions if necessary. This type of training is ongoing, because regulations are constantly changing, and tellers may be required to take annual training on certain types of compliance and regulations.
Security Procedures
Training in security procedures is a necessary part of teller training. This includes everything from the importance of protecting passwords to how to behave in the event of a robbery. Discussions and role playing can be very helpful in preparing tellers for breaches in security.
Other Teller Training Ideas
Different institutions may train their tellers in other areas. Some may offer information on how to dress for success, how to open and close accounts and how to cross-sell products. Peer interaction is a way to assist in training tellers. Using this method, staff members observe each other and make checklists regarding job performance. Receiving feedback from peers often improves job skills and gives tellers the willingness to strive to improve performance.
Valerie Dansereau has experience writing both fiction and nonfiction. Her writing career began with writing stories for confession magazines. She has written a wide variety of online articles about health, home business, parenting and self-help. She attended Fitchburg State College in Massachusetts and has over 20 years of banking experience, including writing loan operations manuals for two banks.
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