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The Disadvantages of More than One Boss

In large corporations there is often more than one person running the show. Managing one boss-employee relationship can be difficult enough, but managing a relationship with multiple bosses poses a new list of disadvantages for the employees and the company overall.
Management Style
Every individual in a management position has their own management style. While some managers are more goal-oriented, others may be more motivated by teamwork. Having more than one boss means that employees will have to be able to meet each management style and the demands of each boss successfully in order for the company to run. When pairing more than one boss in a situation it may be best to try and match management styles.
As with any human being, personalities vary depending on the person. With more than one boss there will be multiple personalities managing other personalities. While some bosses may have a more personable and friendly approach, other bosses may be less approachable in the workplace. This can also lead to employees possibly favoring the boss with the easier personality over the other.
Work History
In some instances companies may open up a position for management and hire from outside the company. That means that the new individual will not have any workplace history with those they are managing and will have to establish a relationship. When there are multiple bosses managing the same group of people, employees may find it more comforting to relate to the boss they know versus creating a new relationship with the other boss.
Communication is an effective tool in the workplace. When it comes to any leadership role there needs to be open communication between bosses and their employees. With multiple bosses running the same management position one boss may be more open to communication or effective in the way they communicate than another. That means that employees that work directly under one boss may be more productive and understanding of the project at hand than the other boss.
Shailynn Krow began writing professionally in 2002. She has contributed articles on food, weddings, travel, human resources/management and parenting to numerous online and offline publications. Krow holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles and an Associate of Science in pastry arts from the International Culinary Institute of America.
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