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Good Boots for Ladder Climbing

The foot is suited to motion and not upright standing in a static position for great lengths of time. The foot is a shock absorber for the body and the heel is the cushion where most of the shock absorption occurs. The heel has a plantar fat pad and the sponge-like structure that absorbs extreme weight when the heel makes contact to a surface. The pronation of the heel is also a shock absorber. Bones, joints and soft tissue in the foot and legs as well as the heel absorb the shock of walking and running.
Steel Toed
Steel-toed work boots have a shield in the toe that protects the toes from cuts when working with equipment like a chain saw. The flexibility of a steel-toed boot is less than a boot without a steel toe. Ladder climbing doesn’t require flexibility in the toe area of the work boot. A ladder wrung when climbing rests on the arch of the foot. Flexibility in the arch of the boot can cause pain if climbing a ladder is repetitive. Steel toed boots don’t have a flexible sole making the steel toe a good boot for ladder climbing.
Short Topped

When wearing a short top boot the laces only go to the top of the foot. The higher up on the foot the laces begin the less flexibility the shoe of the boot has. Short top boots are worn by carpenters who work inside. The heel is 90 degrees and gives stability to carpenters working on a ladder. The heel can catch on the wrung of the ladder and stabilize the worker as he reaches up or down. With the wrung of the ladder resting on the heel of the boot there is less pressure on the arch. A short top boot is a good work boot for carpenters who climb on a ladder much of the time.
Long Laced
Tall boots that go up three-thirds of the calf have a longer lace span than shorter boots. When the laces curve onto the top of the foot the shoe of the boot has some flexibility. The laces do not go all the way to the toes on a taller work boot that would be too much flexibility to be practical. The stiffness of the long laced boot and the 90 degree heel make the boot idea for ladder climbing. The boot allows a tight fit, provides great ankle support and most come with a steel toe. The wrung of a ladder is comfortable when climbing no matter where the wrung touches the sole.
Non-Safety Toe
The non-safety toe boot is a flexible sole boot. The design is for comfort and heavy wear. The boot provides a high level of traction, which is important when climbing a ladder. When a ladder wrung gets wet it becomes slippery. The traction of a non-safety toed boot helps climbers gain traction when working in adverse outdoor conditions. The comfort of the boot makes it a great choice for walking and standing for long periods of time. If the worker has to stand on the wrung of a ladder the comfort level decreases considerably, but climbing up and down there is enough support in the sole for foot comfort.
Tammy Bronson has been a freelance writer since 1994. As a writer for Thompson Gale Publishing she wrote autobiographies and legal reviews. With Bronson wrote innovative informative articles about colleges and universities nationwide. She lives in the Greater Boston Area and has a Master of Arts degree in literature and writing from the State University of New York.
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Roberto Westbrook/Blend Images/GettyImages