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What to Write in the Additional Comments Section of a Job Application

Most job applications leave little room for you to distinguish yourself from other candidates. Instead, each applicant answers the same questions. Some applications, however, include an additional comments section, where you can elaborate on things mentioned briefly earlier in the application, or include something you want the employer to know but that did not fit into any of the categories. This section should include positive information relevant to the position you’re seeking.
Strengthen Your Position
Add details that reinforce your image as a skilled and knowledgeable team player, or those that don’t fit elsewhere on the application. For example, discuss your community service and volunteer background, and any leadership experience you gained in those roles. Relate your volunteer experience to the position you’re seeking. If you’re applying for a management role, note that you led the annual fundraising campaign for a local nonprofit. Also, discuss why you want the job. For example, mention that you’re impressed with the company’s focus on environmentally friendly practices, and eager to work for an organization that shares your values.
What Not to Say
Avoid personal information and anything not directly related to your ability to do the job. You can mention special skills or talents, but only if they position you as a stronger candidate. If you’re applying for a job as a sales clerk, for example, don’t note that you’re a competitive ballroom dancer. Also, don’t include something in the section just because you feel you need to. It’s better to leave it blank than include irrelevant information.
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