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How to Increase Team Spirit in the Workplace

Team spirit in the workplace increases unity and job performance. Much like rooting for the same sports team, group spirit bonds people together. A team atmosphere can only increase productivity and lead to more job satisfaction among employees. Team spirit in the workplace includes igniting excitement about what the company produces and where it's headed as an organization.
Recognize Success
If you want to promote team spirit in the workplace, publicly recognize employees who do a good job. Look for workers who contribute to a team atmosphere and have a "can do" attitude. If you recognize and encourage teamwork, it's more likely to continue and spread to other employees. Give a monthly award to the person who jumped in and helped out the most, such as when a co-worker was sick or on medical leave.
Don't Be Afraid to Laugh
An environment that allows laughter goes a long way to fostering team spirit in the workplace. Set aside time during staff meetings to share humorous stories of the week. Place a physical or online bulletin board of funny tidbits where co-workers can post their own humorous cartoons or jokes. Encourage managers to be lighthearted when possible as well. A tense work environment keeps everyone retreated into their shells and discourages team spirit.
Play Some Games
To build team spirit in the workplace, periodically have department members participate in games that build trust and communication. Activities like these show co-workers how to produce better as a group. As they work together, employees develop their own dynamic over time. It's helpful to break out of the monotony once in a while and show people a different way to communicate. An example of a team building exercise could simply be playing an office scavenger hunt. Use this activity practically to solve real-life issues during staff meetings as well.
Get Out of the Office
Getting team members out of their element helps them think from a new perspective and build camaraderie. Retreats can last all day or a weekend. They can be filled with trust exercises and motivational speeches that build loyalty to the company brand and to each other. Getting a team totally out of their environment makes them count on each other and think synergistically. The key to a successful retreat is taking the time to well organize bonding activities so co-workers can get to know each other on a personal level, too.
Based in the Midwest, Gina Scott has been writing professionally since 2008. She has worked in real estate since 2004 and has expertise in pop culture and health-related topics. She has also self-published a book on how to overcome chronic health conditions. Scott holds a Master of Arts in higher-education administration from Ball State University.
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