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How to Start a Motorcycle School

Establishing a motorcycle training school is much the same as starting an automobile driving school, but there are several differences. For instance, you will have to provide safety equipment, such as helmets, and will have to find instructors who have taken lengthy and sometimes expensive instructor courses specific to motorcycles. Your business and personal insurance will also vary from that purchased by auto driving schools, as will your licensing in many states. Still, the process is relatively straightforward and your business can be up and running within a month or so.
Obtain a business license. The procedures are different from state to state, but generally require a valid business address, a business tax number and a fee. Some states may require a surety bond as well. The license will allow you to open for business.
Obtain funding to rent a location, purchase equipment and supplies and secure adequate insurance for this class of business. A detailed business plan, listing expected expenses, number of students anticipated and class prices, may be necessary. Research local competition and the services they offer to meet or exceed area offerings.
Take and pass a motorcycle instructor's class. Requirements vary by state, but your state motor vehicles department will have information on its website. If you are not going to teach and instead hire certified instructors, you can skip this step.
Establish your school's location. You will need room for a classroom and a secure outdoor area large enough to teach motorcycle operation. There should be no obstructions, such as parked cars, and in order to prevent accidents the area should not be open to street traffic.
Purchase motorcycle(s) and accessories, such as helmets, gloves and other safety equipment. You wil also need to buy classroom materials, such as desks, books, audio/video equipment and other instructional materials.
Market your business as soon as possible. Establish a website, advertise in area publications, place fliers at nearby motorcycle showrooms and join professional driving school associations.
Area motorcycle shops may make good recruiting sources for instructors. Your local department of motor vehicles may be willing to send inspectors to conduct on-site driving tests for your graduates.
Don't skimp on insurance. The chances of injury for motorcycle beginners are much greater than for automobile beginners and the injuries are more likely to be severe.
Pete Hisey has been a writer and editor for over 25 years, primarily in the business-to-business field. He has expertise in many areas, including retail, consumer electronics, banking, dining, agriculture and entertainment media.