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How to Set Goals for Secretaries

Whether you are new to the secretarial field or an old pro, it helps to set goals and priorities for your job. Establishing realistic goals can help you do your job more efficiently, allowing you to be more productive on the job and more valuable to your employer. No two secretarial positions are the same, and that means that each position has its own set of goals and priorities. The more thoroughly you understand your own job and how it fits into the overall organization, the easier it will be to create your own personal set of goals.
Document everything you do each day, either by jotting notes into a Word document or simply keeping a tablet by your desk. Jot a few notes about each of your duties, then think about how you could do each of those tasks more efficiently. You can also use the documentation you create to prepare a manual that others can use when you are ill or out of the office.
Make a list of the software packages you want to learn more about. Set a goal to learn one new feature of each software package every week. Software like Microsoft Office can make secretarial work a lot easier, so learning more about it should be one of your goals. You can also set a goal to learn the newest version of the software. This prepares you for any upgrades your company plans to make.
Set a goal to learn some basic accounting, especially if your job includes any payroll or financial functions. Learn to use personal and business accounting programs like QuickBooks and Quicken, as well as any additional products used by your employer.
Talk to your boss about what you are doing well and what you could be doing better. Use that feedback to set both short-term and long-term goals for your career. Use the goals you create to work more efficiently and independently.
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Based in Pennsylvania, Bonnie Conrad has been working as a professional freelance writer since 2003. Her work can be seen on Credit Factor, Constant Content and a number of other websites. Conrad also works full-time as a computer technician and loves to write about a number of technician topics. She studied computer technology and business administration at Harrisburg Area Community College.