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How to Get Published in the Harvard Business Review

First published in 1922, the Harvard Business Review is one of the nation’s leading publications devoted to business and management issues. HBR describes its target audience as senior managers and wants articles of interest to these readers that present new ideas or novel perspectives on issues. The emphasis is on practicality, meaning articles should present information that managers can use and that are grounded in the real world. The style should be authoritative, persuasive and avoid jargon. Take a look at recent issues to see examples of what HBR expects. Submissions are accepted by mail or electronically.
HBR Submission Requirements
Prospective contributors to HBR must submit a proposal and narrative outline. The proposal states the central idea for the article and explains why it is new, significant and of practical value. Explain what types of companies would benefit most and which firms would not find the ideas helpful. Describe the research you’ve done for the article and what prior knowledge it is based on. Finally, state your qualifications – your professional credentials, academic background or relevant experience. The narrative outline should be 500 to 750 words. Sketch the structure of the proposed article, the main topics and the logical flow of your reasoning.
HBR Blog Posts
HBR also accepts submissions for blog posts for its website. Quality expectations are similar, but an advance proposal and narrative outline are not required. HBR recommends that you send a “pitch” or brief proposal before submitting a full draft for blog posts.
Based in Atlanta, Georgia, William Adkins has been writing professionally since 2008. He writes about career, employment and job preparation issues. Adkins holds master's degrees in history and sociology with a focus on employment and labor from Georgia State University. He has conducted research sponsored by the National Science Foundation to develop career opportunities for people with disabilities.
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Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Getty Images