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Pacemaker Technician Salaries

Pacemaker technicians are grouped together with cardiovascular technicians. These professionals help prepare patients for surgery, as well as operate and care for equipment. Salaries for pacemaker technicians depend on the level of experience and training of the technician, as well as his employer and the cost of living in his location.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, or BLS, the average salary of a cardiovascular technician -- a blanket term that includes pacemaker technician -- was $50,720. In the 10th percentile, wages were less than $26,610 a year, while the median income was $49,410. Salaries exceeded $77,020 in the 90th percentile.
As of 2010, the largest employer of pacemaker technicians was general medical and surgical hospitals, where the bureau reports an average salary of $49,740 a year. Technicians working in the offices of physicians earned an average of $54,550 a year, and those in outpatient care centers earned an average of $51,240. In medical and diagnostic laboratories, the average salary of a pacemaker technician was $52,180, and in colleges, universities and professional schools, the average was $49,120. These technicians also worked in specialty hospitals and ambulatory health care services for respective average salaries of $51,830 and $43,940 a year.
The two states with the highest concentrations of pacemaker technicians were Florida and Kentucky, as of 2010, where the bureau reported respective salary averages of $41,920 and $43,110 a year. The highest-paying state was Alaska, with a salary average of $81,310 a year, and Anchorage was the highest-paying metropolitan area in the nation, with a salary average of $85,620 a year. The highest-paying rural area for pacemaker technicians was southwest Maine, which offered $60,110 per year.
The bureau predicts an employment rate increase of 24 percent between 2008 and 2018, “much faster than average” growth for this field. However, the bureau also notes that those technicians with credentials in multiple specialty areas will be the most marketable.
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Kara Page has been a freelance writer and editor since 2007. She maintains several blogs on travel, music, food and more. She is also a contributing writer for Suite101 and has articles published on eHow and Answerbag. Page holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of North Texas.