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How Does Retirement Affect People?

Financial Impact
Retirement has the potential to dramatically affect your finances. If you have invested and saved wisely, your lifestyle may not change to a great extent. However, for a large number of people, retirement means re-figuring your financial status and actions. You may have to begin a budget or re-examine an existing budget. You also might have to downsize your living accommodations as well as other areas of life such as transportation and entertainment. Some individuals choose to work part time rather than fully retire to ease the transition from active income to a fixed income. Financial planners and advisers can be very helpful in determining which is the best plan for you.
Physical Impact
Your physical health and condition may change once you retire, depending on what you did for a living. If you transition from being at least moderately active on the job to little or no physical activity at home, your health may suffer. Replace your former work routine with other healthy activities. First consult your physician to find out what type of exercise plan would be safe for you. Moderate aerobic exercise at least three to five times a week can benefit your heart, lungs and brain. Exercise also helps to keep off excess weight, thereby reducing your risk for diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Weight training also provides benefits by strengthening muscles and bones and improving flexibility and balance, which reduces your risk of falls and fractures.
Mental and Emotional Impact
Sometimes the greatest impact of retirement can be felt mentally and emotionally. Your sense of identity and usefulness may have been tied up in your job for many years. Retirement is an opportunity to find new ways of using your gifts and talents. Consider volunteering at your church or a community organization. Mentor a child, or become more involved with your own grandchildren if possible. Maintain and create social connections. Consider joining a club or organization involving what interests you. Take lessons and learn a new skill or hobby. Keeping yourself mentally and emotionally healthy will positively impact you in many ways. You will be less likely to experience depression, and your physical health is more likely to be better.
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Charlotte Johnson is a musician, teacher and writer with a master's degree in education. She has contributed to a variety of websites, specializing in health, education, the arts, home and garden, animals and parenting.
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