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How to Cite Consulting Experience on a Resume

When citing consulting experience on a resume, treat it the same way you would an in-house position. While it's usually acceptable to omit certain details -- like company names if confidentiality is an issue -- you can still present your experience in the same way you would write about a normal, employee-status job. Since consulting experience conveys a sense of expertise, make sure to highlight leadership skills and important accomplishments you achieved as a consultant.
Determine what consulting experience you would like to add to your resume. If you are targeting an industry related to your consulting experience, you should add an entry on your resume that covers the entire span of your consulting experience. If you are targeting a specific job that only relates to one particular consulting client or project, it may be better to include that experience as a single entry on your resume and expand upon it in detail.
Follow the same format you have used to list other job titles on your resume. Where you list the title of your position and company name, you can write something like, "Freelance Fashion Consultant at Bunny's Apparel." Or, if you are adding one entry to span the entire length of your consulting career, you could write, "Freelance Fashion Consultant, Self-Employed" and not list a company name.
Include the dates of your project or consulting experience as you would any other job. If you are including your entire consulting career, simply write something like, "May 2002 - Present."
Describe your duties underneath where you list your title (see step 2) using bullet points or paragraph form. If you're listing a single project, explain what you did and list any major accomplishments. If you're listing multiple jobs or companies for which you consulted, include the name of the company followed by a colon or a dash. Then, explain what you did. For example, "Max's Boutique: Served as go-to fashion consultant for trendy retail clothing boutique. Provided one-on-one personal shopping and image consulting services." Then, list your next consulting jobs as separate bullet points.
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Mara Tyler is a writer and public relations consultant based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With more than eight years of experience, she specializes in health, nutrition, women's lifestyle and marketing. Tyler holds a Bachelor of Science in public relations.
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