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How to Answer Interesting Facts About Yourself

Some employers ask you to tell them something interesting about yourself in a job interview. This may trip you up if you are only prepared for the ubiquitous “Tell us about yourself” question. You may be asked to tell more than one interesting fact in some cases. Be ready to answer with little-known facts about yourself that relate to the job in some way and are not too unusual.

Make a list of a few hobbies or unusual experiences you have had that relate to the job you are applying for. This way you can review the information before the interview. For example, if you are applying for an event coordinator position, you might mention the time that you headed up the planning committee for a high school dance with an unusual theme.

Avoid telling employers that you are the president of a religious organization or political club. This information could lead employers to not consider your application any further. Employers might be concerned about how these activities might affect your work, even if they are not supposed to discriminate against you because of these types of activities.

Answer with facts about your hobbies, interests, membership in civic organizations, travel experiences, famous people you have met, or concerts you have given. Have a good laugh with employers if they find your facts amusing. Relate how your interesting facts are related to the job when you finish telling about them. Pick out a skill that each involves or that you developed as a result of your experiences, and state how you will use them in the position.
Avoid saying anything negative. For example, you would not want to say, “It is an interesting fact that I despise my current boss, and I think he is stupid.” Stick to the positive and facts that connect to the job. Keep your answers short and to the point, just as you would if you were telling the employer in general about yourself.
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Leyla Norman has been a writer since 2008 and is a certified English as a second language teacher. She also has a master's degree in development studies and a Bachelor of Arts in anthropology.
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