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How to Quit Your Job on the Spot

Whether you're stressed by your job, annoyed by your coworkers or you have simply found a better career, you must always face the issue of quitting your job. In most cases, leaving a two-week notice with your employer is a professional courtesy -- it ensures that your company has time to prepare for your departure and nobody is left in a lurch. Sometimes, however, giving a two-week notice makes you a target for early dismissal. If you don't want to risk being fired, you need to start your new job immediately or you just plain can't take it anymore, you may consider quitting on the spot.
Prepare for your departure by packing your belongings. Clean out your desk and be ready to head for the door after you deliver the big news.
Type a letter explaining why you are leaving, particularly on such short notice. Be courteous, and even if you don't feel this way, express your gratitude for the time you spent working there and regret that you are leaving so hastily.
Deliver the letter to your boss and/or human resources representative and explain the situation. Again, even if you feel like jumping up and down with elation, resist the urge to burn any bridges -- leaving on a high note may endear you to the company, despite leaving without notice.
Leave on a positive note by saying goodbye to your coworkers.
Keep to yourself. Nobody needs to know why you are quitting so suddenly, especially if it is because you find your coworkers or boss intolerable. When people inquire, simply tell them that you are pursuing a new opportunity.
- "The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Work"; Joshua Piven; 2003
Tom Ryan is a freelance writer, editor and English tutor. He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in English writing, and has also worked as an arts and entertainment reporter with "The Pitt News" and a public relations and advertising copywriter with the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
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