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How to Write a Reference Letter for a School Superintendent

Educators empower today's youth to help provide a better tomorrow. Teachers and school administrators are in charge of enlightening young people and creating a sound learning environment. The role of the superintendent is perhaps an even more important one. Superintendents, together with their local school boards, form learning initiatives and regulate what goes on in their area public schools. It takes a motivated and well-educated person to be a successful superintendent. Therefore, if you're familiar with an individual that holds the proper qualifications, writing a good letter of reference can be a huge investment in your local school district and future generations.
Instruct the aspiring superintendent to provide you with applicable personal information about themselves to help you write a substantive recommendation letter. Helpful documents would include her resume, a collection of awards she’s received throughout her career and any education-related literature she’s published throughout her career.
Request any supplementary forms required from references by the school district during the application process. Reference letters are usually required to be sealed and separate from the application itself.
Provide your personal qualifications to be evaluating this person, such as your relationship to this person and a brief summary of your own career achievements. Establishing credibility as a reference is key in the recommendation process.
Mention the applicant's key qualifications in serving as superintendent, such as his merits as an educator and his own educational history. If the applicant holds a degree from a prestigious college or university, it would be helpful to point that out. While it depends on the specific school district, many superintendent positions require applicants to hold doctoral or other post-graduate degrees.
List personality traits that describe the applicant and would make her an especially valuable superintendent. Patience, compassion and enthusiasm are all important factors when considering a superintendent. Add a brief anecdotal passage describing such characteristics.
Provide a broad assessment of the educator in the final paragraph of the letter. Your words should be honest and leave a lasting impression on those in the hiring position. Add your contact information and offer any additional support if needed, then sign the letter.
Try to keep the letter brief so as to keep the reader's attention.
A lack of sincerity is almost always apparent and can damage your credibility as a reference.
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- Try to keep the letter brief so as to keep the reader's attention.
- A lack of sincerity is almost always apparent and can damage your credibility as a reference.
Matt McKinney has written professionally since 2008. His work has appeared in publications such as "The Knox Student" and "Diminished Capacity," his campus literary journal. McKinney is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing at Knox College.
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