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How to Write a Conclusion to an Application Letter
Many people find writing cover letters for job applications to be tedious and time consuming. The first part is easy enough, because you discuss highlights from your education and work experience, but the conclusion is more difficult. Do you assume that the company will interview you, or request an interview? How do you phrase the conclusion so it sounds confident, but not arrogant? The conclusion is important because it ties together the whole letter and leaves a final impression with the employer.
Write the cover letter. Include the inside address, date, heading, salutation, opening paragraph and body paragraphs.
Begin the conclusion by thanking the employer for her time. Keep the statement short and simple. If you are too effusive, the employer might see this as an attempt to ingratiate yourself. An example of an appropriate closing statement is: "Thank you for your time and attention."
Continue the conclusion by indicating that you would like to be interviewed. Do not assume that the employer will interview you because an employer may see this as over-confidence or arrogance. Instead, work the request into a statement; for example: "I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you." This is a subtle and professional request for an interview.
Provide your email address and telephone number. Even if these items appear on the header of the resume, resumes sometimes get lost so you should reiterate them. You may give your cell phone number as well, but keep in mind that an employer can call your cell at any time, including when you are busy or indisposed. For this reason, many applicants prefer to simply provide their home phone number. An example of this statement is "I hope to hear from you soon; my telephone number is (number) and I may be reached any afternoon. My email is (email)."
Close the letter by typing "Sincerely," and skipping three lines. Type your full name. Print the letter and sign in the space above your name.
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Natalie Smith is a technical writing professor specializing in medical writing localization and food writing. Her work has been published in technical journals, on several prominent cooking and nutrition websites, as well as books and conference proceedings. Smith has won two international research awards for her scholarship in intercultural medical writing, and holds a PhD in technical communication and rhetoric.
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