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How to Write a Project Report in Construction & Engineering Projects

The end result of construction and engineering projects is most often some physical structure, machine or other object. While the effectiveness, design and strength of that object provide vital information related to the effectiveness of the procedures used to create it, project reports focusing on construction and engineering projects supplement any and all information the object itself can provide. Writing project reports for construction and engineering projects requires you to consider the planning and building methods employed in the completion of the project.
Generate a title page for the report. Include the report’s title, the authors of and contributors to the report and the date the report was submitted.
Compose an abstract of the report. The abstract summarizes the report, indicating the conclusions the report attempts to provide, the construction and engineering methods the authors used to complete the project and brief analysis of the success of the project’s construction. Abstracts are typically limited to 200 to 250 words.
Provide a table of contents for the entirety of the report. Though the title page and abstract occur before the table of contents, include them.
Introduce the project. In many ways, the introduction follows the report’s title by introducing the specific topic and scope of the project. Employ the introduction to define key terms of the reports, whether they relate specifically to the subject being examined or the methods of construction. For example, you might define a school-sized gym and a small state university, as well as the engineering principles, such as infrastructure.
Detail the results of the report. As construction and engineering project reports typically focus on the effectiveness of pre-building engineering procedures and the actual construction procedures and timeliness of both, split your results section into “pre-building engineering” and “construction.” Split each of these sections into “employment effectiveness” and “time effectiveness.”
Discuss the results of the report in the “discussion” section. Discussion sections in reports involve analysis and evaluation. Highlight effective procedures and explain the reason for their effectiveness. Similarly, highlight ineffective procedures, explain the reason for their ineffectiveness and identify ways in which such procedures can be improved upon for future construction projects.
Summarize and conclude your report with a bulleted list of recommendations regarding your results and discussion sections. For example, you might suggest that future projects employ a specific pre-building engineering tool, be it a program such as AutoCAD or a method like design swapping. Similarly, you might suggest the future projects avoid construction techniques and pitfalls like under-scheduling or over-scheduling workers.
List your references in accordance with the citation guidelines called for in your report. Most often, with construction and engineering projects, APA citation guidelines will dictate references citations.
Titles should reflect both the specific area, as well as the overall scope of the project. For example, a title such as “Gymnasiums” is entirely too broad, but the more specific “A Detailed Analysis of Building Procedures of a School-Size Gymnasium at a Small State University” narrows the topic by specifying what type of gyms was engineered and constructed while limiting the scope.
- "Technical Communication: A Reader Centered Approach (Seventh Edition)"; Paul V. Anderson; 2010
Samuel Hamilton has been writing since 2002. His work has appeared in “The Penn,” “The Antithesis,” “New Growth Arts Review" and “Deek” magazine. Hamilton holds a Master of Arts in English education from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Master of Arts in composition from the University of Florida.
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