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How Can I Get a Permanent Makeup Tattoo License?

Permanent makeup tattooing involves an individual receiving tattoos to create the appearance of makeup. The process can include applying the appearance of eyeliner, lip liner, lipstick, and eyebrow enhancement, according to the American Academy of Micropigmentation. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns that all tattoos are permanent and involve some risk. As a result, it is important that tattoo artists or physicians receive adequate training before applying permanent makeup tattoos. It is possible to become a licensed or certified makeup tattoo artist in any state, although the requirements will vary.
Determine your state's requirements for tattoo artists. The FDA website explains that makeup tattooing is specialized, but all of the regulations are the same as regular tattoos. The FDA has warnings about tattoos as well as specific requirements for tattoo shop conditions, but the specific regulations for tattooing are designated by each state.
Meet your state's requirements for makeup tattooing. The AAM website states that although no specific training is required in most states it is advisable for an individual to complete an apprenticeship or receive certification. The AAM offers a complete list of certified instructors in order to promote the education of new or aspiring tattoo artists.
Visit your local Department of Health in order to comply with state standards. The FDA explains that in most states an individual must be at least 18 years old, have a GED or high school diploma, and be certified in first aid as well as CPR. Once an individual meets the minimum requirements, he must complete the tattoo licensing process by paying a license fee, paying an exam fee and passing the state exam.
Make sure that the tattoo shop or medical office where the makeup procedures will take place meet all of the FDA regulations. Certain operation standards including the cleanliness of the tattoo artist, the condition of the equipment, and the sanitation of the entire business must meet strict standards in order to ensure public safety. The FDA says it is the responsibility of the makeup tattoo artist to regularly check with the FDA about products that are added to the banned list for containing harmful substances.
The AAA Tattoo Directory website lists the specific tattoo requirements for each state.
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Shannon Johnson has been a freelance writer since 2008, specializing in health and organic and green-living topics. She practiced law for five years before moving on to work in higher education. She writes about what she lives on a daily basis.
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