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How to Operate a Slitter Machine

A slitter machine, a product of the converting industry, is designed to convert material for various end-user purposes. For example, material such as a giant master roll paper is converted into such end-user products as credit card receipts and cash register rolls. Individuals who desire to operate a slitter machine must have at least a basic knowledge of the technology and follow a carefully designed strategy for operating the mechanism.
Obtain and read the production schedule in order to discover the correct setup as well as equipment adjustments. You should have an adequate knowledge of the various parts and accessories of the slitter machine. Getting the setup and adjustments right the first time will help avoid production errors, thereby saving time and money.
Make sure your protective equipment is intact before turning on the slitter machine. Make sure you are wearing safety glasses and steel-toed boots. You want to avoid getting hurt from flying or falling objects that may land your way. In addition, your job will sometimes require handling heavy objects such as wide master roll papers.
Prepare the slitter machine for production. Turn it on, set it up and perform a test run in order to see if the machine is working properly. Observe gauges, dials and other features. If necessary, use a wrench or gauge to adjust the blade and controls. Check to see if the production tools are dull or worn out. The tools must often be changed as well as maintained in order to produce quality products.
Examine the product output for quality. After you have loaded the slitter machine with production material, inspect the converted material or cut strips for holes, burns, unevenness and a variety of other surface problems. Also, check the cutting speed and action for accuracy. If there is a problem, you must quickly adjust the machine’s controls.
Monitor the slitter machine during the operation process. Be prepared to make minor adjustments throughout the production process. You may have to use a variety of different cutting tools, depending on the size and type of material you are producing.
In order to perfect your understanding and operation of a slitter machine, read a good training manual. You can turn to a manual time and time again when you encounter a complex problem, especially when a training engineer isn't available. In addition, a good training manual will also help you avoid costly miscalculations that can occur as a result of operation uncertainty.
Always make safety a priority. If you are still uncertain about what to do in certain situations, even after reading the manual, consult the next available mechanic. Ask him to explain and demonstrate how to correct the problems you are encountering. Observe and assist him. Take notes and compare them to your manual for clarity. Ignoring safety by trying to fix the problem without knowledge could result in serious injury as well as expensive medical bills.
Steve Glenn is a member of the Loft Writing Center in Minneapolis and has been writing professionally for over six years. He has written various newsletters and has published articles in the "Milwaukee Community Journal." Glenn holds a Bachelor of Science degree in English and education from Metro State University in St. Paul.