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How to Start a Database Business

All companies retain information about their clients, accounts, staff and operations and all of this information needs to be housed in such a way that it is easy to find specific records quickly, while none of the information gets lost or becomes otherwise unreadable. Gone are the days of paper filing systems in offices that required an entire filing team to maintain records. Today, companies store their information digitally into databases. However, not all company employees have skills necessary to manipulate databases, so an external database company is often consulted.
Assess the true value of your skills. Do you have extensive knowledge of a wide range of databases? If not, brush up on your knowledge by taking online courses from the comfort of your own home. Take online examinations that result in qualifications being mailed to you which enhances your credibility to clients.
Establish an office either at home or in a commercial building. If you decide to use a home office, ensure it is a dedicated space that other family members do not use for storage or through-access. An office reflects professionalism and should be kept clean and inviting for clients with minimal exterior disturbances.
Market your database business by collating a list of services and providing costs to client. Outline how your services benefits your clients and why they should choose you and not someone else. Advertise on the Internet and in the Yellow Pages, and while you’re waiting for those first phone calls to arrive, be prepared to do some cold calling of your own. Actively seek out potential clients who you think would use your services and contact them directly. If companies decline your offer because they already work with an established database business, you could offer to undercut their existing deal to try and bring the company over to your side.
Based in London, Jezen Thomas began penning articles early in 2009 to complement spontaneous jet setting as a professional musician. His articles have appeared in Sputnik Music and other online publications. He holds a bTec diploma in advanced popular music from Newcastle College and has embarked on several international tours with street theater productions and other musical acts since 2005.
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