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How to Become A "Crime Scene Cleanup" in Ohio

Professionally cleaning crime scenes, accidents, suicides and gross filth is a growing business in Ohio. Crime scene cleaners remove all evidence of what happened and any bio-hazards left behind. Even a small amount of blood or tissue is a potential source of infection; therefore, OSHA requires training in the handling of these bio-hazards. Just as important as training is the willingness to handle blood and tissues. Crime scene cleaners also need to have a good sense of empathy for the family of victims. Often, the cleaners are in contact with the family when the scene is in the home.

Contact an Ohio or nearby training facility that meets OSHA standards. Those facilities certified by the American Bio Recovery Association guarantee classes meet these standards. However, if the school you choose is not certified, ask if they adhere to OSHA standards. The school must disclose this information to potential students.

Complete training. Courses in Ohio take about a week to complete and cost between $1,075 and $1,700, as of August 2010. Topics covered include federal and state regulations, hazards, personal safety, blood-borne pathogens, personal protection equipment and hands-on training in a variety of scenarios. There is no prerequisite for this type of training.

Earn certification (optional). Certification is through the American Bio Recovery Association. Training programs certified through the American Bio Recovery Association automatically certify graduates. There is no federally or Ohio State mandated certification, however, OSHA standards must be followed at all times.

Get a hepatitis B inoculation. Although you will wear a HAZMAT suit and gloves that will protect you from blood and tissues, accidents are still possible, especially if you are working in an area with hypodermic needles. These vaccinations are available through your Ohio county health district.

Gain experience by working with an established Ohio crime scene clean up company. Become thoroughly familiar with the process in as many types of clean up scenes as possible. The employer provides supplies and equipment.
Due to the horrific nature of many crime scenes, deeply consider this career before investing in training.
A previous career in emergency health care may aid a transition to this type of work.
Online or distance learning cannot provide the hands-on training needed for this vocation.
If you want to start your own business, gain experience working for someone else first. You may learn a lot more than in a training course.
- Due to the horrific nature of many crime scenes, deeply consider this career before investing in training.
- A previous career in emergency health care may aid a transition to this type of work.
- Online or distance learning cannot provide the hands-on training needed for this vocation.
- If you want to start your own business, gain experience working for someone else first. You may learn a lot more than in a training course.
Sheila Holloway began writing seriously in the early 1990s. Since then, she has worked as a writer, most recently for eHow, and as a professional romance novelist until the close of her publishing company in 2008. Holloway holds a Bachelor of Science in education, an MAT and is completing a doctorate.