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How to Write a Self-Assessment for a Radiologic Technologist

One of your job functions as a radiologic technologist is to perform diagnostic imaging procedures in a hospital or clinical setting. Writing a self-assessment for this type of position requires careful planning and organization. Self-assessments are used by employers in many cases for an employee to evaluate his or her individual work performance. You will have the opportunity to shine for your employer, but your assessment should also focus on challenges and make note of your plan to overcome any hurdles.
Find copies of your current resume and job description. Extract duties from your resume and job description and make a list. Some of the duties for a radiologic technologist might include: “prepares exam rooms, maintains radiologist reports and properly handles lab results.” This small list will help you accurately compare your job description with your current resume.
Place a check mark next to the responsibilities you perform on the job that are not mentioned in your job description. You will need to include this information in your accomplishment section.
Open a blank document in your computer's word-processing program. Write your full name and the date and place both on the upper left-hand corner of the page. Write your job title and date-of-hire underneath.
Create a section and title it, "Job Responsibilities.” Include a comprehensive list of statements that highlight what you actually do as a radiologic technologist. For example, you might write, “Responsible for assessing and screening patients"; or “Responsible for performing accurate routine X-rays.”
Create a section and title it, "Areas of Knowledge." Choose and include at least four areas. Write clear statements. A statement might read, “Knowledge of state and local laws and regulations, including HIPAA and OSHA requirements”; or “Familiarity with the clinical management systems ['ABC'] and digital-imaging equipment.”
Create another section entitled, "Accomplishments." As a radiologic technologist, your job is primarily centered on providing doctors and other clinical staff with accurate imaging reports. Your highlighted accomplishments should draw attention to any significant milestones you have made on the job. Using bullet points, list your accomplishments. For example, if you created a user-friendly physician referral process, you will certainly want to make note of this in this section.
Create a "Performance Improvement" section. Dedicate this section to listing at least five actions that may allow you to be a better employee. Include any challenges you face on the job. Take this time to examine your role as a radiologic technologist. One possible performance improvement action might be to take additional radiologic education courses.
Proofread your self-assessment for clarity. Spell-check for errors. Name and save your document before closing it.
Avoid over-using "I" in your self-assessment.
- Proofread your self-assessment for clarity.
- Spell-check for errors.
- Name and save your document before closing it.
- Avoid over-using "I" in your self-assessment.
Miko Holt has been writing since 1988, providing celebrity articles and content for "Crunk Magazine" and Killer Cotton Magazine. She has a Bachelor of Arts in literature and creative writing from Empire State College, a Master of Education in adult education and training from the University of Phoenix and is pursuing a Doctor of Education in curriculum and instruction from the University of Phoenix.