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How to Get Hired by Exxon Mobil

According to Exxon Mobil, it is the world's most publicly-traded international gas and oil company. Exxon Mobil is a large corporation that employs associates across the globe. Consequently, diverse opportunities for employment exist for interested applicants. They are continuously hiring for jobs in many areas like oil exploration, marketing natural gas and petroleum products.
Complete the application form. Exxon receives a very high volume of applications every year. Therefore, it is important to make sure yours stands out from the rest. For example, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. Apply for positions you are truly qualified to perform. Thoroughly answer all personal qualities questions, since these are part of the screening process.
Upload your cover letter and resume. In your letter, be sure you have included information about experience that shows you are the ideal candidate. This includes such things as major projects, achievements or responsibilities. All Exxon recruiters have keyword filters on their emails. Keywords are the relevant points of a job description. For example, if the job description states "five years experience in a natural gas plant," then you must use the keyword “natural gas” throughout the application. Most resumes without keywords are discarded.
Inform the recruiter if you will relocate. Apply in your home country, but include a note on your application or resume that you are willing to relocate globally. Having this on your application indicates a strong interest in Exxon, because most applicants are unwilling to relocate to certain areas of the world. Bilingual individuals are also in demand. If you are fluent in more than one language, be sure to include this in your cover letter.
Pass the examinations. If you are called to test for an Exxon position, take the time to study and complete practice tests. Study data tables and read financial reports. Most of these tests examine the applicant's ability to evaluate numerical data in various formats. Exxon allows applicants to bring a calculator and scratch paper.
Wait for a telephone or face-to-face interview. Sometimes Exxon applicants wait months before getting an interview request. Usually a telephone interview comes first, then a final face-to-face interview. Read up on Exxon history and current events. Before the interview, write notes to refresh your memory.
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