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How to Obtain Building Inspector Certification in Utah

Working as a licensed building inspector provides a stable career and varied, interesting work. A job with a city or county will include a benefits package. There are also private sector building inspectors working under contract with government agencies. Building inspectors with Utah certifications actually hold a national certificate transferable to almost all states. Getting the building inspector certification in Utah requires some class time, dedicated studying, and knowledge demonstration in a written test.
Go to the Web page of the Department of Professional Licensing on the Utah state Web site. There review the Utah Building Inspector certification requirements for either a "limited" or "combination" certificate. The information provided by the Department helps define the level of generality or specialization appropriate for personal career goals.
Go to the International Code Council training and education Web site and look up courses offered by the Online University. These classes are essentially the only training classes with an ICC certification issued after passing required exams. The ICC program takes a fledgling inspector through the appropriate courses in order preparing him for the certificate exams. Some community colleges and trade schools also offer ICC-accredited courses. The ICC accreditation is necessary to take the certification tests.
Check the local chapters' Web sites (Bonneville and Beehive Chapters) of the ICC for specialized and Utah-supplemental code training. Working with these chapters also opens doors to entry-level building inspection positions gaining supervised hours required for Utah building inspector certificates.
Return to the ICC Web site for dates and locations of certification exams. The local chapters offer study and preparation classes prior to certification examination dates. These classes are refreshers designed to help a trainee inspector pass the test, not to replace necessary training and code education classes.
Submit the application for professional building inspector licensure to the Utah DOPL with proof of the required certifications and supervised inspection hours. DOPL reviews the applications, the supplemental questionnaire and submitted certifications. Inspectors are then issued either a Limited or Combination license. Utah licenses are good for two years, but all licenses must be renewed by November 30 of every odd numbered year, regardless of the initial license approval date.
Building permit fees include funds for training. Working while you study as a trainee inspector, may mean you can pick up reimbursement for your classes.
Ensure any course being offered is accredited by the International Code Council, otherwise it may not be accepted as completed for code certifications.
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- Building permit fees include funds for training. Working while you study as a trainee inspector, may mean you can pick up reimbursement for your classes.
- Ensure any course being offered is accredited by the International Code Council, otherwise it may not be accepted as completed for code certifications.
Eric Jay Toll has been writing since 1970, influenced by his active lifestyle. An outdoorsman, businessman, planner and travel writer, Toll's work appears in travel guides for the Navajo Nation, "TIME" and "Planning" magazines and on various websites. He studied broadcast marketing and management at Southern Illinois University.