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How to Become a Tutor in NYC

Becoming a tutor can be a rewarding full time or part time way to make a living. If you are good at what you do you can create a demand for yourself that can yield you a handsome income. The need for tutors is plentiful, even in New York City. So becoming a tutor in NYC should be no problem if you market yourself correctly. This is a fairly easy field to break into since no formal training is required. You do have to be good at what you do. In NYC you don’t need any city licenses or state certificates to get this business up and running.
Decide what you want to tutor. This should be something you are good at and can teach to others in a way that they can understand and master. Students must be able to grasp what you are teaching no matter the subject matter. The subjects that are in most demand in NYC are elementary and high school math, elementary reading and high school science. If you can provide tutoring services in these areas you will have lots of clients from which to choose.
Put out fliers and take out ads announcing your tutoring services in NYC publications. Use both online and offline classified ads to post your services. It’s also a good idea to post advertisements for your services on college campuses, parent news boards, laundromat bulletin boards and the like. In your ad include what you tutor, your prices as well as your contact information. Let your neighbors know that you are now providing tutoring services. They may have children, family members or even a friend who could use your services.
Purchase the materials you will need for your tutoring service. This might include pens, pencils, flashcards and the like. You also want to make sure you have an appointment book or planner to help you stay organized with your tutoring appointments.
Set a schedule for the clients you obtain. Don’t schedule them too close together. Give yourself enough time to get from one client to the other without being late. If they are coming to you, put enough time in between so your time with clients does not overlap. You not only want to deliver good tutoring services. You also want to provide excellent customer service. The two of these combined will keep you in business for a long time.
Rayzelle Forrest Young is a freelance writer specializing in SEO articles for various websites. She has a Bachelor of Arts in mass communications and has written for such sites as and She has been writing professionally since 2008.
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