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How to Become an Electrician in British Columbia

An electrician installs, repairs and maintains electrical and electronic systems. To become an electrician in British Columbia, it is mandatory to hold a Certificate of Apprenticeship or Qualification in the trade, be registered in a four-year apprenticeship and work under a certified electrician.
Find a job working under a certified electrician. In order to become a certified electrician you must complete a combination of work experience and schooling, so it is important that your employer is cooperative and willing to give you time off to go to school.
Choose a school to complete your apprentice training. There are several schools throughout British Columbia including Vancouver Career College, British Columbia Institute of Technology and Northern Lights College. You must complete four levels of training at 10 weeks per level.
Complete your apprenticeship hours. An electrician trainee in British Columbia must complete four years of training with 6,000 workplace hours and 1,200 in-school hours. You cannot move onto the next level of training until you have completed both the schooling and the number of hours required for that level. For example, you must complete the level 1 schooling as well as 1,500 workplace hours before moving onto level 2.
Take the inter-provincial exam. Once the four years of training and all of your hours are complete, you must receive a passing grade on this exam to get your license.
Develop an effective resume that clearly puts forward your strengths related to the trade you are pursuing. You should have good mathematical and mechanical skills, be computer-literate and be able to work efficiently with hand tools.
Construction sites present a variety of safety hazards, so safe work practices must be followed carefully.
Amber Yake has been writing professionally since 2008. She has experience writing for several online and print publications, including the Low GI Meals website, the "Kamloops Daily News" and providing travel-related articles for LIVESTRONG.COM. She has a Bachelor of Journalism with a major in public relations from Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, B.C.
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