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How to Become a Justice of the Peace in Arizona

Eligibility requirements to become a Justice of the Peace in the state of Arizona include election to a four-year term, a minimum age of 18 years of age, a resident of Arizona, a qualified voter in the precinct of the duties of office, and ability to read and write English. The applicant is not required to be an attorney; however, taking classes in law and interning in a law office as a legal assistant or paralegal provides an edge of valuable hands-on experience, helpful to an aspiring Justice of the Peace.
Take law, criminal justice or legal terminology classes at any accredited law school in Arizona, such as James E. Rogers College of Law, Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law or Phoenix School of Law (see Resources). A copy of Black's Law Dictionary would be helpful as well.
Assemble necessary documents to further your application, such as birth certificate, voter registration and vacancy of post in area of residence.
Go online to Arizona Judicial Nominating Commissions (see References) to check for vacancies in the county. This site will also provide filing date and time cutoff. Find and download application form.
Fill out and submit the original 15-page application, plus 16 double-sided copies of all accompanying information to the Human Resources Division, Administrative Office of the Courts, 1501 W. Washington, Ste. 221, Phoenix, AZ, 85007, no later than 3 p.m. on the final authorized filing date provided in the vacancy notice. This application covers Personal Information, Educational Background, Professional Background and Experience, Business and Financial Information, Conduct and Ethics, Professional and Public Service, Health, Additional Information, References, and Waiver of Confidentiality and Release of Information.
Campaign for election in the post of Justice of the Peace in the Arizona county of residence when nominations are announced publicly. If elected, a Justice of the Peace will serve at least four years in the position.
When all paperwork is completed and submitted, the original is forwarded to the Governor of Arizona and the names of the nominees are publicly announced.
Joining an Arizona Justice of the Peace organization may aid in support and fulfilling of duties.
- When all paperwork is completed and submitted, the original is forwarded to the Governor of Arizona and the names of the nominees are publicly announced.
- Joining an Arizona Justice of the Peace organization may aid in support and fulfilling of duties.
Nancy Hardin began writing professionally in 1980. She has written for the "Las Vegas Sun" and eHow, published a family memoir and short stories, as well as co-edited a book, "Las Vegas ... The Way It Was." Hardin studied English at the College of Southern Nevada.
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