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How to Write a Thank You Note to a Boss for a Raise

Saying "thank you" is a traditional show of manners that should not be overlooked or forgotten. When your boss rewards your efforts or recognizes your achievements, it is customary to express your gratitude with a thank you note. Not only will your thank you be appreciated, if you are one of the few who takes this extra step, it can set you apart from other coworkers.
Determine how the note should be sent. In a formal office, a handwritten or typed letter may be appropriate. In a less formal atmosphere, an e-mail may be acceptable.
Open the note with a greeting. Address your boss by the name you would call him in a traditional business setting. For example, “Dear Mr. Smith,” would be an appropriate greeting for a thank you note.
State in the opening sentence that you are thankful for the raise in your salary or hourly pay. Let your boss know that you appreciate his recognition of your hard work and that this recognition inspires confidence in your future work endeavors.
Show an appreciation for your boss’ feedback during your evaluation and throughout the previous work period. Let your boss know that you realize that your success is not only an individual effort but is made possible by the contributions of others including your boss. This shows you are a team player.
Assure her of your commitment to continue your hard work, meet new goals that were set during your evaluation and improve on any noted weaknesses.
In closing, thank your boss again for the increase in your pay and end the thank you note with an appropriate closing such as “Sincerely” followed by your signature.
Consider hand delivering the note to your boss.
Proofread your note before sending to avoid undermining his confidence in you if you have spelling or grammar errors within the note.
- Consider hand delivering the note to your boss.
- Proofread your note before sending to avoid undermining his confidence in you if you have spelling or grammar errors within the note.
Leigh Anthony has provided ghostwritten content for a variety of small-business sites since 2004. Her work appears on eHow and Her areas of expertise include marketing, human resources, finance and leadership. She holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Georgia.
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