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How to Ask Your Boss for a Transfer

Your request for transfer letter is your opportunity to secure your boss’ support for your transfer and obtain a positive reference before leaving your current position. Consequently, it’s important to comply with your company’s policy regarding job transfers, including the information you should provide and the manner in which you provide the information. For example, company policy may ask you to specify the reason you want the transfer. If so, you might state the new job is more closely aligned with your background and career goals than your current position.
Create a transfer request letter even if your company’s only requirement is that you complete a transfer request form. Compose the letter to your boss to express your interest in a particular position and outline your relevant qualifications.
Begin composing the request letter by entering the letter date and your contact information and that of your boss. The contact information includes name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number and email address.
Enter your salutation or formal greeting. The salutation can take different forms, such as “Dear Ms. Jones,” “Dear Mary Jones” or, if you know your boss well, “Dear Mary.” Follow the salutation with a comma or colon and a space to separate the salutation from the body of the letter.
Write the first paragraph of the body of the letter, which states why you are writing. For a job transfer, state the job title and department and the reason for the request to transfer. Also include information of interest to your boss regarding your application or the application process, such as the start deadline.
Clarify your reasons for requesting the job transfer in the second paragraph of the letter. State your credentials, the roles you have played for the company, your tenure, as well as your achievements and relate this information to the position you seek. Also state how the transfer will benefit the company. Alert your boss to the supporting documentation, such as your resume and performance evaluations, that you’ve attached to the letter.
State the actions you want your boss to take in the third paragraph of the letter. Be clear about your request and specific regarding how your boss can support your request for transfer. For example, your boss might contact a manager and confirm his support for your transfer. Extend your appreciation for the many ways your boss has supported you in the past, as well as his review of your transfer request. Ask that your boss to respond to your request by a certain date.
Close your letter with “Sincerely” or the phrase “Best regards” followed by a comma and your name.
Sign your name if you will transmit the letter by mail. If the letter is an email document, include your contact information following your name
Review your letter for errors, sign it and attach the supporting documents. Submit it in-person or via internal or external mail, according to your company’s policy.
Contact your boss to schedule a follow-up meeting if she has not contacted you within a week.
Notify your boss of your desire to transfer as far in advance as possible.
Billie Nordmeyer works as a consultant advising small businesses and Fortune 500 companies on performance improvement initiatives, as well as SAP software selection and implementation. During her career, she has published business and technology-based articles and texts. Nordmeyer holds a Bachelor of Science in accounting, a Master of Arts in international management and a Master of Business Administration in finance.
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