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How to Bid a Handyman Job

A handyman can make a number of repairs around a home or business, from floor installation and painting to resolving plumbing issues and more. However, when taking on a handyman position, there are several key considerations to keep in mind, particularly when it comes to price points. Bidding a handyman job involves not only a consideration of time, but also of supplies, skill and ability.
Determine the time it will take to complete the job. Most handymen have an hourly rate that they charge for most jobs. However, the type of project and the person hiring for the job can make a difference. Figure out the full length of time it will take to complete the project, taking into account any trips for supplies, potential pitfalls during the project and set your price point accordingly.
Consider the scope of the job. If the job in question is a complicated one then you need to adjust your bid accordingly; the same holds true if the job is fairly time consuming but simple and it's just a matter of following a process.
Allow for supply considerations in your bid. Most handymen jobs require tools, which you likely already have, as well as supplies needed to complete the project. In most instances, the person doing the hiring for the work pays for the materials to do the job. Include supply costs into your bid, in terms of building supply costs, paid to you or as a stipulation that must be met before you are on site to do the job.
Submit your bid in writing. To get the best shot at being the winning bid, make yours negotiable, dependent on any concessions the person hiring may be willing to make, such as making the scope of the project smaller or cutting certain aspects to take less time. Once you've submitted a written bid, the particulars are down on paper and it makes negotiating each item easier.
Don't get greedy. It may be tempting to try to get as much as you can out of a particular job, but the name of the game when it comes to handyman work is repeat business. You might need to accept a little less for an initial contract, which will result in making the customer happy who, therefore, may hire you again for other handyman jobs they have available.
Lynda Moultry Belcher is a writer, editor and public relations professional. She worked for a daily newspaper for 10 years and has been a freelance writer for more than 15 years. She has contributed to Divorce360 and Revolution Health Group, among other publications. She is also the author of "101 Plus-Size Women's Clothing Tips" and writes "Style At Any Size," a bi-weekly newspaper column.