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How to Handle a Customer Complaint of a Wrong Change Given

How to Handle a Customer Complaint of a Wrong Change Given. Among the thorny potential situations at a cashier's desk, the issue of incorrect change is a common one. For dealing with a variety of incorrect change situations, from the quick honest mistake to the complex scenarios set up by cons, it's important to be on top of the issue to be able to resolve it in a way that satisfies both the shop and the customer.
Provide safeguards by counting change back. When the customer hands you a bill, say the denomination out loud, so later, if the customer complains, you can clearly establish whether the customer handed you a $10 bill or a $20.
Evaluate claims for realism. Regardless of the power of that simple slogan, "the customer is always right," a customer can't just go back to a cashier and demand money. In many cases, these complaints of incorrect change are no more than scams by devious individuals trying to swindle a shop out of a few dollars (though other times, they are legitimate complaints). One simple way to tell: if a customer says they handed you a $50 or $100 bill, check the till. If it's not there, they're lying.
Apologize for the error while you evaluate the situation. A quick apology helps buy time for either making the correct change of verifying a change situation.
Fix it quickly. If it was just an honest mistake, the faster you clear it up, the less likely you will be to irritate the customer. The majority of honest incorrect change situations can be easily defused.
Follow up with talk that creates a diversion, like going back to the products or services (was everything else okay?) or getting to know a customer.
Remain cheerful. A willingness to look into problem situations is one way to recognize superior customer service. If you have even the basic ability to help a customer through these kinds of situations, your business will profit from your skills.
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