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How to Become a Presidential Advisor

How to Become a Presidential Advisor. Becoming a presidential advisor is no easy task. There is only one president after all and presidential advisors are handpicked by the big guy himself. If you still dream of becoming the next Karl Rove or George Stephanopoulos, here are some tips to help you on your way.
Understand the role of a presidential advisor. Presidential advisors are political consultants. This is a broad category including strategists, pollsters, media advisors, advertising consultants and spin doctors. A presidential advisor's role is to advise the president on important issues and to help present the president's ideas to the public.
Go to college. While political consultants don't need a degree, most consultants, especially those that went on to become presidential advisors, had college degrees. Consider a major in political science or government to learn more about your profession of choice.
Get political. To become a presidential advisor, you need to get involved in politics. Join a local grassroots campaign to see how you like being on the front lines and to get a feel for the way campaigns work.
Attach yourself to a rising candidate and make yourself indispensable. Who knows? Your neighbor running for an open school board seat or your old boss who is running for state senate just may be the next Barack Obama. Find someone you believe in and put your political skills to work. If they go on to be president, they may pick you as an advisor.
To be a good presidential advisor, you should try to keep yourself from being indicted. Try not to leak the name of any CIA operatives or participate in any break-ins or cover-ups.
- To be a good presidential advisor, you should try to keep yourself from being indicted. Try not to leak the name of any CIA operatives or participate in any break-ins or cover-ups.
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