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How to Dress for a Warehouse Job

How to Dress for a Warehouse Job. If you are starting a new job at a warehouse and are used to office jobs, you may need to go out and purchase clothing specifically for your warehouse job. Clothes for a warehouse job need to be durable and allow you freedom of movement.
Find out from your company whether you are required to wear a uniform. Some warehouse jobs require you to dress in a complete uniform, while others require a uniform shirt and your choice of pants. If they provide you with a uniform, you'll be given several sets of clothing so that you can rotate them throughout the week. Unless you are told otherwise, you shouldn't deviate from the required uniform.
Dress in loose fitting clothing made from durable materials. If you aren't given a specific uniform, you will want to wear loose, comfortable clothing for ease of movement. However, you don't want the clothes to be so loose that they become an injury hazard.
Wear boots. Unless there is a rule against it, the best option for footwear is steel-toed boots. Boots will protect you in case anything is dropped on your feet at the warehouse.
Buy second-hand clothes. Since in most warehouse jobs you won't be dressed to impress, it's oftentimes most logical to buy your work clothes at a second-hand shop. If style isn't a concern, buy as cheap clothes as you can find. With a warehouse job, it's best to have multiple cheap outfits that you can use than one more expensive outfit.
Wash your clothes daily. With a warehouse job, you are more likely to sully your work clothes. Don't simply wear the same clothes for multiple days in a row. Doing so is a health risk.
Adjust to the weather. If your warehouse job has you out in the elements on the loading dock, always check the weather forecast before you go to work. If it's a cold day, wear long sleeves and perhaps even gloves. If it's going to be hotter than usual, consider wearing short sleeves and shorts, if allowed by your employer.
Be sure to read your employee handbook to see if it specifies any type of clothing that is off limits.
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- Be sure to read your employee handbook to see if it specifies any type of clothing that is off limits.
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