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Customer Service Protocol

Consumer retention is an integral part of ensuring a viable and profitable enterprise. Establishing a customer service protocol will help your organization stay on top of customer concerns and complaints so that you can better manage the experience customers have with your company.
Customer service protocols provide organizational guidance on how to handle consumer issues. When your company has an effective way to field customer service complaints, you can respond to customers in a timely manner and address their needs before they take their business someplace else.
Organizations should have protocols for gathering consumer complaints and fielding them to the appropriate internal department. Once the internal department receives the complaint, the next part of the protocol should dictate how quickly employees are required to respond to the customer. For instance, a protocol may say that employees have to attempt to contact the customer within 48 hours of receiving a complaint.
Poor customer service is bad for the bottom line. A study conducted by Greenfield Online and Ovum across 16 countries concluded that the businesses in the survey lost an aggregate amount of $338.2 billion due to poor customer service. With customer service protocols in place, your company can avoid financial loss.
Kyra Sheahan has been a writer for various publications since 2008. Her work has been featured in "The Desert Leaf" and "Kentucky Doc Magazine," covering health and wellness, environmental conservatism and DIY crafts. Sheahan holds an M.B.A. with an emphasis in finance.
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