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Bussers Job Description

If you've ever been to a mid- to upscale restaurant you have probably seen a busser in action. This person is very important to the smooth operation of a busy eatery.

A busser is responsible for setting tables, clearing tables, restocking plates and sometimes serving food to guests as runners.

A busser must have good communication skills in case guests have questions while he is out on the floor. This worker must have a commitment to high-quality customer service. He must also be able to handle the high-pressure environment of a restaurant.
Work Environment

The busser spends most of his time in the kitchen bringing back and organizing plates and utensils. She also must take care of odds and ends that are asked of her by waitstaff and the cooking staff. A busser spends all of her time on foot while working.

Restaurants employ bussers to lighten the load of the waitstaff, which is usually very busy taking orders, processing payments, checking on the food and bringing plates to each table.

Bussers are paid mostly in tips. They share tips with waiters. The busser will commonly receive about 3 percent of the total tips for all of the waiters that he worked for that night in addition to a minimal hourly wage (usually between $5 to $8 per hour depending on the state).
Louise Balle has been writing Web articles since 2004, covering everything from business promotion to topics on beauty. Her work can be found on various websites. She has a small-business background and experience as a layout and graphics designer for Web and book projects.
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