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Event Setup Staff Job Description

There are various types of venues requiring event setup workers. Job duties will depend on the kind of venue. At a university, for example, you could set up classrooms, ballrooms, gymnasiums, outdoor areas or other venues. You might focus on technology, sound stages, table and seating setup, custodial tasks or sports floor setup. Regardless of the venue, your job will require you to be in good physical shape, to do heavy lifting and frequent bending, to walk and stand for long periods, to work under pressure and to collaborate with members of a crew. You'll also need a smile and customer service skills as you interact with the public.
Many venues will require audio/visual technology, from video presentations to DJ-style music, to accommodate the needs of guests. You will need to know how to operate the audio/visual technology equipment built into the venue and the extra equipment requested by the event host. For example, you might set up large video screens, microphones, speakers, sound stages, video cameras and other technology to make the venue more appropriate for an event.
Tables and Chairs
Seating may not seem like a big consideration, but event setup staffers must set up the room arrangement requested by the person who reserved the event. This requires knowledge of standard arrangements for each meeting space and consultation of diagrams of custom arrangements provided by the event scheduler. The setup crew must ensure there are ample tables, chairs and extra equipment like garbage cans to complete the preferred setup.
Meeting venues typically have a full-time event coordinator who books events and manages the event setup crew, but her crew also needs a degree of autonomy. As a temporary or part-time worker, you could become a leader. You might supervise others, coordinate logistics for large setups, ensure multiple setups on the property are completed on time and direct quick-change setups. Some spaces are in such high demand that a space's event equipment must be quickly removed, the space cleaned and the new arrangement implemented for the next event. If a breakfast seminar with round tables and chairs is scheduled for the morning and a lecture with fifty rows of chairs is scheduled before lunch, event staff must make a quick change to the room arrangement. Also, changes in circumstances might require you to adapt the setup schedule and room arrangements. You will help your employer fulfill the conditions agreed in the contract between the event venue and the event host.
Custodial Work
Some event venues will have a separate custodial staff scheduled to clean the venue between events. Other event venues will require you to perform light custodial duties. You might change trash cans, vacuum carpets, mop floors, sterilize special equipment and clean and replenish bathrooms in addition to stacking tables and chairs on moving carts after an event.
Special events occur on evenings, weekends and holidays, in addition to the 9 to 5 workweek. This position may require open availability -- seven days a week -- and reporting to work in the early morning and staying late at night. Some employers require setup staffers to be on-call or to travel between different locations. You could be asked to rotate to other jobs, including usher, cashier, ticket-taker, parking lot attendant, security and concessions, to keep an event running smoothly.
Audra Bianca has been writing professionally since 2007, with her work covering a variety of subjects and appearing on various websites. Her favorite audiences to write for are small-business owners and job searchers. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in history and a Master of Public Administration from a Florida public university.
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