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Job Description of a Safety Officer for OSHA

Occupational Safety and Health Administration officers keep workers safe from accidents and injuries. They are responsible for the prevention of job-related accidents, as well as the management of those that do ultimately occur. These officers are vital to the success of work sites. With the right skills and knowledge of OSHA regulations, you can serve as a safety officer for OSHA.
Safety Officer Skills
OSHA security officers must be detail-oriented to carefully monitor the activities and environment of a work site. This requires you to pay attention to even the smallest of elements to adequately evaluate the situation. Once you gather details, you must be able to assess them for potential safety issues. According to O*Net Online, problem-solving is another important skill for OSHA safety officers. When issues are identified, you must find quick and adequate solutions. Your communication skills are also important in training employees about safety measures.
Everyday Tasks
Safety officers spend a lot of their time observing and gathering information about the company's safety status. You continuously monitor employee actions and inspect work sites. As a safety officer, you are constantly looking for possible problems and correcting them with the goal of avoiding injuries to employees. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, safety officers also prepare an appropriate safety manual for the business and ensure that all pertinent employees are trained regarding its contents. You will also find yourself writing a lot of reports and presenting information to members of management.
When Emergencies Happen
While prevention is the security officer's primary concern, important responsibilities also arise when accidents do occur. As an officer, you Initiate the emergency and medical plan to mitigate the seriousness of the injury. You are also responsible for investigating the accident, which may entail interviews, reviewing documents and speaking with medical professionals. Using information from the investigation, the safety officer generally creates reports regarding what occurred. You then submit them to the appropriate business and government authorities. You may also be tasked with implementing solutions for future prevention.
Education And Certification
Most OSHA safety officers have earned a bachelor's degree in Occupational and Safety Health at a minimum. The American Society of Safety Administration offers human resources officers a guide to hiring quality safety officers. They suggest that companies look for applicants with certification by a reputable agency, including the National Commission of Certifying Agencies and the Council for Engineering and Scientific Specialty Bonds. Safety officers should also consider taking some OSH continuing-education courses to keep up with new technologies and advances. According to O*Net Online, the 2013 median annual salary for an OSHA safety officer was $67,960 per year.
Erika Winston is a Washington, D.C.-based writer, with more than 15 years of writing experience. Her articles have appeared in such magazines as Imara, Corporate Colors E-zine and Enterprise Virginia. She holds a Juris Doctor degree from Regent University and a Masters in public policy from New England College.
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