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Effective Executive Communication

According to HR World, “a leader must be able to communicate his or her vision in terms that cause followers to buy into it. He or she must communicate clearly and passionately, as passion is contagious.” Effective executive communication is crucial in developing a successful business. Executive communication relates to people on different levels. Executives need to communicate with managers, employees, other business executives and the general public. Ensuing the communication is effective can avoid misunderstandings and low employee performance.
Executive communication is the sending or receiving of messages to or from top leadership in a company such as the chief executive officer, president or senior management. In order for the communication to be considered effective, it must be clearly communicated and effectively understood by the audience for which it is intended.
Upward communication is the movement of messages from subordinates to executives. Examples of upward executive communication are feedback from employees or a report given to the executives from management. The executive is expected to respond to the upward communication to promote trust in the leadership. Downward communication is the use of messages from executives to subordinates. A meeting with executives and upper-management is an example of downward communication. The purpose of downward communication is to provide vision, direction and inspiration.
Internal executive communication is when top leadership sends messages to members of the organization. This can be a memo, company-wide meeting or voicemail sent from executives to inform, inspire or provide vision. External executive communication is when a message is sent to an audience outside of the organization. For example, when the president of a corporation holds a press conference, she is using executive external communication.
Effective executive communication requires a concise message that is delivered in a professional manner. Whether an executive is communicating with an employee, a fellow executive or his management team, the messages should be refined and easy to understand. The communication should not use jargon or other words that would be difficult to define or hard to understand. Effective executive communication uses a professional speaking style that avoids emotional and offensive language.
Effective executive communication creates strong business relationships, a positive corporate culture and a low employee turnover rate. Business associates know that the executive keeps her word, respects her position and looks for leadership and direction from her. Effective executive communication promotes a positive corporate culture in which employees are valued and rewarded, creating satisfied employees.
Nicole Papa has been a freelance writer since 2004 with a focus on SEO and Internet marketing. She has written for and JOLT! Marketing. She graduated from the University of South Florida with a Bachelor of Arts in mass media communications, and from the University of Texas with an associate degree in theater performance.