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Job Description for a Preschool Coordinator

A preschool coordinator has the responsibility of organizing and directing development and implementation of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for preschoolers. The coordinator identifies educational opportunities for preschoolers through student identification and assessment, as well as takes a leadership role in designing curricula and programs for preschool education. The coordinator must work with a variety of people to accomplish the duties of this position successfully.
In developing preschool curricula and programs, the coordinator evaluates such materials each year to discern proper measures to take in the coming school year. She is responsible for completing grant applications in accordance with grant compliance and requirements. The preparation of Title I reports are completed by the preschool coordinator. Organization of student selection for the preschool program is also arranged by the preschool coordinator. As coordinator, she coordinates staff development for preschool educators. The maintenance of records for preschool curriculum and programs is the responsibility of the preschool coordinator. With members of the administration, she assists in analyzing data for student achievement. The preschool coordinator also recommends preschool teachers and instructional assistants and helps the principal evaluate these staff members.
A preschool coordinator completes coursework in early childhood education with the intent of earning a bachelor’s degree in educational planning or another related field of education. In certain aspects of preschool coordinating, a master's degree in special education is beneficial for this position.
Personal Requirements
The preschool coordinator must have a valid driver’s license and proof of automobile insurance. Clearance through Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fingerprinting must also be supplied by the incumbent in this position. Other personal requirements are listed separately by state.
Areas of Knowledge
An area of knowledge that the preschool coordinator must incorporate into this position is policy and procedure of preschool education. He is knowledgeable in school law and regulations. Knowledge of writing and implementing IEPs is also present in the preschool coordinator. He has researched best practices and behavior management for preschool students. Knowledge in principles of organization and management is also evident in the preschool coordinator.
The coordinator must be skilled in the following areas: media technology (to effectively deliver presentations); the ability to train parents to address the special needs of their preschool children; and the ability to train administrators, teachers and other instructional professionals in the application of learning methodology. The coordinator is also skilled in using best practices in inclusion methodology and addressing students' IEP needs. She is also skilled in consulting with educational specialists on the needs of the preschool student.
On average, a preschool coordinator working in the United States earns about $35,000 a year, according to (as of June 2010). Salary is based on location, credentials and experience of the coordinator. Size of the educational facility also plays a factor in salary.
Bianca Bumpres resides in Dallas, Texas with her family. She has written for online internet blogs and writes a weekly single parent column for the Dallas area. Bumpres enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Her extracurricular activities include enjoying music, reading and weekly volunteer ministry work.
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