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Cost Controller Job Description

A cost controller uses financial, budget and accounting expertise to evaluate project costs and ensures that costs remain within budgetary limits. A cost controller also records business activities and prepares periodic financial statements that inform top management about project progress. This employee typically holds a four-year college degree in cost accounting, finance or tax.
A cost controller monitors the financial progress of a project, computes operating fixed and variable costs and compares such costs to budgets. Comparing budget amounts to actual expenses is an accounting function that helps senior management adjust project costs while work is still in progress. This procedure is also called variance analysis. A cost controller typically reports periodic financial statements to a company's finance chief and ensures that accounting procedures and systems are adequate and functional.
A cost controller typically holds a four-year college in accounting, business or tax. A controller also may hold a master's degree in a business field. Postgraduate cost accounting (also called managerial accounting) degrees are common among cost controllers. A cost controller also may hold a certified public accountant (CPA), a certified management accountant (CMA) or a certified financial manager (CFM) designation. A state accounting board issues a CPA license; the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) administers the CMA and CFM designations.
Salary levels for cost controllers depend on industry, company size, seniority and educational credentials. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that median wages of cost accountants were $63,550 in 2012, with the bottom 10 percent earning less than $38,930 and the top 10 percent earning more than $111,510. For experienced cost controllers, compensation is higher. The same report shows that median wages, excluding bonuses and stock options, of financial managers were $109,970 in 2012.
Career Development
Career growth opportunities for a cost controller depend on business staffing needs, employee expertise, professional qualifications and academic training. An experienced and competent cost controller may move to a senior role, such as finance director, chief financial officer or group controller, after five years. A controller also may seek a professional certification, such as a CPA or CMA designation, to boost chances of promotion.
Working Conditions
A cost controller typically works more than 40 hours on weekdays and may be at the office on weekends. Seasonal business needs may require this employee to work longer hours. For example, a cost controller working for a company that builds bridges and roads under the U.S. Financial Stability Plan (or "bailout plan") may work at night to evaluate construction activities, cost trends or working conditions and ensures that such costs do not exceed budget limits.
Marquis Codjia is a New York-based freelance writer, investor and banker. He has authored articles since 2000, covering topics such as politics, technology and business. A certified public accountant and certified financial manager, Codjia received a Master of Business Administration from Rutgers University, majoring in investment analysis and financial management.
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