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Job Description of a Client Service Executive

A client service executive serves as a customer liaison in industries such as health care and technology, according to Education-Portal. Client service executives are responsible for handling product training and solving customer service problems. These professionals must meet a variety of skills and education requirements to succeed in this field.
Client service executives essentially establish and cultivate relationships with a company’s clients. Their goal is to meet client needs so customers are satisfied, resulting in profits for the company. Client service executives might execute training seminars so clients experience the greatest benefits from a company’s products. These professionals also introduce new products, respond to client inquiries and find solutions to client issues such as those dealing with billing.
Other Responsibilities
Client service executives additionally develop sales proposals and collaborate with a company’s multiple internal departments to help improve the quality of products. They also work to streamline business operations by helping to reduce costs. Client service executives might work with other account managers at a company to create a consistent client message as well, according to Quiet Logistics in Massachusetts. Professionals in a large company also might be required to train and oversee a team of client service employees. They can work in a variety of industries such as finance, health care or computer science.
Client service executives must have strong customer service and interpersonal communication skills. They additionally must have solid verbal and written communication skills. These professionals should be able to manage time, projects and sales efficiently and be detail oriented. They also must be strategic planners and have a strong understanding of a company’s products so they can train clients and answer questions in both group and one-on-one situations. Client service executives must have strong judgment and decision-making skills as well. In addition, they should have strong leadership skills, be self-directed and be able to multitask. Employers also usually require client service executives to be proficient with computers and software spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel.
Many client service executives have a bachelor’s degree in business administration or in a field that is related to the industry in which they work. Employers also look for client service executives who have extensive client services and supervisory experience. Job candidates who have sales or customer service experience also have a huge advantage.
Employment of customer service representatives, a category that includes client service executives, is projected to climb by about 10 percent from 2014 to 2024, according to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. This can be attributed to the fact that offering high-quality customer service and building customer relationships is critical in every company and industry. Average client services salaries in 2017 were $90,000 for senior executives.
YaShekia King, of Indianapolis, began writing professionally in 2003. Her work has appeared in several publications including the "South Bend Tribune" and "Clouds Across the Stars," an international book. She also is a licensed Realtor and clinical certified dental assistant. King holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from Ball State University.
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