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Career Choices in Home Economics

Home economics is an old term that refers to anything having to do with homemaking. Contrary to popular belief, home economics is not a field that is restricted to women. There are many jobs and careers in this field for both men and woman, many of which are small business opportunities.
As a housekeeper, you can offer a range of services such as doing laundry, window cleaning, carpet care and furniture dusting. Housekeepers commonly work independently or open their own businesses, while some work for large housekeeping companies.
You will need to provide quick, efficient service and typically will need to pass a background check if you work for a cleaning company. Some states will require you to be bonded and insured before starting your own housekeeping service.
Family Chef
Family chefs are a type of personal chef who prepare large amounts of meals for a family at once. Two income households with working professionals use family chefs the most, as it is a helpful convenience for them.
As a family chef, you will need to prepare meals that your clients enjoy and that stick to their dietary guidelines, such as vegan-only meals, meals free of tree nuts, and low calorie meals. You will also need to ensure that your recipes freeze well. You do not need to take courses or obtain certification to become a family chef, but it is a good idea to get business insurance.
Landscapers take care of the lawns of their clients by cutting, hedging and sometimes offering pest control. Some landscapers also bring dying lawns back to health, or offer gardening services.
Most landscapers work independently, but there are some established landscaping companies that hire workers. You likely will need to pass a background check if you choose to work for a landscaping company. If you work for yourself, you will only need to get a DBA, or doing business as, license, and file as a sole proprietor in your state.
Pool Maintenance
Pool maintenance workers don't only clean pools; they also ensure the chemicals in pools are balanced and at proper levels. With the growing popularity of home jacuzzis and indoor whirlpools, pool maintenance workers are no longer limited to working on outdoor pools or in the spring and summer months.
If you know how to set up pool accessories and equipment and perform pool repairs you will be able to add more revenue to your business and attract more clients.
Home Decorator
Home decorators are not interior designers--interior designers must be licensed and pass a state engineering board exam in most places. The job of a home decorator is to bring the aesthetics of a space together, including furniture, accents, accessories and wall paint. Home decorators do not design the architectural elements of a space, they work with existing rooms to make them stylish and reflective of their inhabitants.
Melinda Gaines has been a freelance writer since 2006, with work appearing online for YellowPages and other websites. Her areas of expertise include business, beauty, fashion and sports. Gaines attended the University of Houston where she earned a Bachelor of Science in sport administration.
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