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Customer Service Policies & Procedures

Customer service policies and procedures are formulated to help companies generate direction to best serve customers. There are certain things companies should do, can do and must do to create customer service policies and procedures. Companies must use management and employee input to formulate best practices ideas to serve customers effectively.
A customer service policy is a written code of conduct for employees to utilize for serving customers. It could include how to respond to questions or deal with disgruntled customers who want refunds. A policy can be short or it can be detailed with more than a page. The policy may state what is expected when a certain situation occurs or appropriate steps to take action. Typically, managers determine the policy and include it within the employee handbook.
A customer service procedure is a way of doing a routine practice. In customer service there is certain protocol that must be taken in order to remain competitive. Finding a better or faster way of doing something can be considered a customer service procedure. Managers are given the responsibility of completing job performance evaluations to see where weak links can be rectified. This leads to increased efficiency and better customer service.
What Companies Should Do
Companies should look for new opportunities to improve customer service policies and procedures. Employees and managers alike should look for new methods to help and serve customers. Write new customer service policies and procedures every year there is a meaningful change to the objective of the job. Gain input from external and internal customers. The external customers are the people who buy the product, while internal customers are employees of the company. Feedback and surveys are fundamental to transferring policies and procedures. Once, these are reviewed, proper steps can be taken to enhance customer service policies and procedures.
What Companies Can Do
Companies can create better strategies in business with ever-improving customer service policies and procedures. For instance, policies can allow for leadership to flourish among employees. Management can encourage this behavior with training and employee motivation perks. The best way is by stating what is required as an employee with steps, and rewarding the employees who meet the standards. An example of customer service policies and procedures can be found in the reference section.
What Companies Must Do
Every company must be confident in its customer service policies and procedures. These rules must be effective, clear and precise according to the company product. Establishing feedback mechanisms, polite manners and positive appearance will make any company better when properly implemented. Managers must take time to determine priorities for customer service policies and procedures.
Jamie M. Kisner currently works as a South Florida entrepreneur of JMK Notary & Services and a Miami-Dade College instructor. During her spare time, she writes online content for a variety of sites, including eHow, Digital Journal, Bukisa and Homeless Voice. She holds a master's degree in business administration from Florida's Nova Southeastern University.
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Luis Alvarez/DigitalVision/GettyImages