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How to Write a Resume for a Promotion Within the Same Company

It might seem redundant to write a new resume when applying for a promotion within your own company. If you want your employer to see you as ready to move up the corporate ladder, however, you need to create a document that reflects how you’ve grown and what you’ve accomplished since coming to work there.
Start From Scratch
Most employers won’t take the time to review your employment file in search of information about your achievements or job performance while at the company. You have to condense your history into a concise resume just as you did when you initially applied. You’ll be competing with external candidates who’ll submit thorough resumes of their own. Employers generally want internal applicants to provide resumes so they can compare them side-by-side. Create a new resume just as you would for an outside position.
Focus on Your Current Job
Normally, you’d offer employers a well-rounded view of your most recent work history, providing extensive details for each position. When seeking an internal promotion, however, you want to concentrate on the contributions you’ve made at your current job. Your employer already knows what you accomplished in the past; now you have to demonstrate how valuable you are to the company and what you can offer if entrusted with a higher-level position.
Target the Promotion
Instead of simply listing your current job title and describing your duties, frame this information in a way that positions you as qualified to move up to the next level. Give your resume a title tailored to the job you’re after. If you’re applying for a vice-president position, lead your resume with “Vice President of Marketing and Communications,” and then describe your experience and achievements in this area. You can also use a qualifications summary. If you’re applying for a management position, lead with a section titled “Management Experience” or “Leadership Experience” and describe examples of how you’ve overseen projects, mentored fellow employees or taken on other leadership roles.
Offer Specifics
In a typical resume, you often need to avoid jargon, buzzwords and proprietary or confidential information such as client names or production processes. Just the opposite is true for internal resumes, however. Mention important clients or accounts you’ve handled so your employer knows you’re ready for a higher-profile role. Describe your experience using computer programs, manufacturing methods or other processes and tools specific to the company. Also, focus on results. For example, point out that you increased sales by 15 percent.
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